unflinching curiosity + radical empathy

Living in Manchester (UK), with work shown internationally, Nick Hurley (they/them) is an award-winning designer, artist, and engineer.

For nearly 20 years, they've been using code-as-canvas for expression, connection, and communication. Harnessing digital tools and technology in innovative, bold, and playful ways to dare ambitious concepts into being.


unflinching curiosity + radical empathy

January 26th, 2024

We humans are internally richer and much more complex than titles and boxes allow. They suggest that people remain static, never deviating from a predefined silo. But reality is far less simple. Change is constantly happening. We grow, we outgrow. Flux is constant and entropy inevitable. No life is scripted, no path foretold, no plan is perfect—and things rarely make sense. How do you boil all this humanity down into a neat label? None of us deserve a discarded business card as our epitaph.

My name is Nick. I use digital tools and technology in considered, bold, and playful ways that dare ambitious concepts into being. I swim in the liminal mush somewhere between the imaginary borders of art and science. Lobbing big-fizzy ideas at scary-wicked problems. Never satisfied with standing still, or getting too comfortable.

It all starts with big, challenging provocations, and a tirelessly unquenchable desire to play, learn, and experiment—to change things for the better.

What if making people laugh could prevent neurodisability? How can a single text message spark democratic engagement across an entire country? What would a circuit board of a city look like—and what flavour would it be?

What if making people laugh could prevent neurodisability? How can a single text message spark democratic engagement across an entire country? What would a circuit board of a city look like—and what flavour would it be?

Wherever you end up, it starts with questions. Questions are the kindling. Above are curiosity-sparking questions from projects that I've enjoyed working on recently.

Technology offers us an opportunity to envisage better ways to build culture, community, and society. If we ask the right questions, together we can dare to challenge the status quo, break down barriers, and connect everyone, everywhere, all at once. I'm interested in building a tomorrow that is founded on radical empathy and unflinching curiosity. For all, by all.

If you can't sleep for thinking of the stars too, then I reckon we'll get along just fine. I'd love to hear from you, let's create something beautifully weird, together.

Nick Hurley